His approach to collaboration

John seeks to foster rich cross-functional collaboration. He believes that building products that deliver value to both the user and the business is a team sport. He is fiercely focused on promoting an environment of psychological safety.

What to expect when collaborating with John


  • Sets and manages expectations

  • Outlines steps in process

  • Shares work early and often

  • Provides honest, respectful, and timely feedback

  • Ensures clarity and comprehension of information


  • Creates space for all ideas

  • Encourages participation

  • Empowers others to take greater responsibilities

  • Mindful of unconscious bias and microagressions


  • Follows through on promises

  • Readily admits mistakes

  • Expresses genuine gratitude for teammates

  • Celebrates achievements

    Demonstrates care for the well-being of others


  • Comfortable with ambiguity

  • Can quickly change course

  • Adjusts working style to complement others

  • Embraces a growth mindset

    Respectfully negotiates and knows when to compromise